As a company of all women, we’d be lying if we told you that the conversation in our office doesn’t sometimes revolve around our hair. So this summer, hit the beach with one of our new favorites, Me, My Hair and I: Twenty-Seven Women Untangle an Obsession. As women from all around the globe untangle how they feel about their hair and what it says about the society they live in, you will no doubt be questioning your own complicated relationship with your hair.
Dana Hall School’s Social Studies faculty Heather Panahi has her students reading this collection of cultural essays as they embark on a relationship with students from Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) through the school’s SISTERS (Strengthening International Sisterhood Through Education, Relationship-building and Service) program.
Have you introduced this book to your class?
“The long and the short of it is that our hair is our glory—and our nemesis, our history, our self-esteem, our joy, our mortality.” Elizabeth Benadict, Me, My Hair and I: Twenty-Seven Women Untable an Obsession
Happy reading!
Educator’s Ally is a highly personalized placement agency that connects teachers and administrators with independent day and boarding schools. With New York roots and a national reach, EA’s dedicated approach to recruiting has been valued by schools and candidates alike since 1975.
#BookIdeas #RelationshipbuildingandService #SISTERSStrengtheningInternationalSisterhoodThroughEducation #Independentschooljobsearch #SISTERS #MeMyHairandI #OWLAG #EnglishClassTeachingIdeas #TeacherSearch #DanaHallSchool #HeatherPanahi #OprahWinfrey #JobSearch #EducatorsAlly #TwentySevenWomenUntangleanObsession #OprahWinfreyLeadershipAcademyforGirls #summerreading