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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Cissel

Candidate Connections

Candidate Connections

One of the more rewarding aspects of the work we do here at EA is developing lasting relationships with our candidates. As educators move through life transitions, we serve as a touch point of sorts for them, and our connections certainly transcend the professional. It’s not unusual for us to meet for the first time on a college campus, as a nervous senior explores the idea of a teaching career with us. As some of us have parented our own children through this not-often-easy ‘leap’ into the world, we love helping make connections to what we hope is the beginning of a wonderful career in education. And then, a few years later, we’ll hear from this same teacher who is now ready to move on from a Fellows position, or make the change from a rural campus to a New York City school. A few years later, our candidate is now married, with maybe a child or two, and a job at a suburban school might be the right next step. We’re always thrilled to hear updates, and to observe the growth and development in these educators is truly gratifying. And we love seeing baby pictures too!

And, if all goes well, a few years later, we’ll hear from this person, who by now is truly a part of the Educator’s Ally family, as he or she is ready to explore leadership opportunities. When we have these conversations, always keeping a tiny snapshot of the anxious college senior in mind, we are reminded of the privilege of this work, and why we are called to do it.

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